Creating networks on top of a bond

The program creates a network configuration using the python sdk.
The target configuration requires preconfigured definition on the ovirt-engine system:
1. ovirtmgmt – the management network is defined as non-vm network.
2. nettest – a cluster assinged with the required networks.

from ovirtsdk.api import API
from ovirtsdk.xml import params

URL = 'http://localhost:8700/api'
USERNAME = 'admin@internal'
PASSWORD = 'letmein!'

The target configuration of the following program is:

eth0 ---|
        |          |------ ovirtmgmt
        |--- bond0 |------ bond0.100 ----- NON_VM_VLAN_100
        |          |------ bond0.200 ----- VM_VLAN_200
eth4 ---|
api = API(url = URL, username = USERNAME, password = PASSWORD)

# the eth0 configuration which used for the managment network should be nullify in order to allow reusing eth0 as a slave
nic0 = params.HostNIC(name = 'eth0', network =  params.Network(), boot_protocol='none', ip=params.IP(address='', netmask='', gateway=''))
nic1 = params.HostNIC(name = 'eth4', network =  params.Network(), boot_protocol='none', ip=params.IP(address='', netmask='', gateway=''))

# bond0 definition on top of eth0 and eth4
bond = params.Bonding(
   slaves = params.Slaves(host_nic = [ nic0, nic1 ]),
            options = params.Options(
                        option = [
                          params.Option(name = 'miimon', value = '100'),
                          params.Option(name = 'mode', value = '1'),
                          params.Option(name = 'primary', value = 'eth0')]

# Configure the management network on top of the bond
managementNetwork = params.HostNIC(network = params.Network(name = 'ovirtmgmt'),
                      name = 'bond0',
                      boot_protocol = 'static',
                          ip = params.IP(
                          address = '',
                          netmask = '',
                          gateway = ''),
                      override_configuration = 1,
                      bonding = bond)

# create vlan device for network with vlan tag 100
networkName = 'NON_VM_VLAN_100'
clusterNetwork = api.clusters.get('nettest').networks.get(name = networkName)
vlanNetwork = params.HostNIC(network = params.Network(name = networkName), name = "bond0.%s" %

# create vlan device for network with vlan tag 200
networkName = 'VM_VLAN_200'
clusterNetwork = api.clusters.get('nettest').networks.get(name = networkName)
vlanNetwork2 = params.HostNIC(network = params.Network(name = networkName), name = "bond0.%s" %

# Now apply the configuration
host = api.hosts.get('my-host-name')
host.nics.setupnetworks(params.Action(force = 0,
                                      check_connectivity = 1,
                                      host_nics = params.HostNics(host_nic = [ managementNetwork,
                                                                               vlanNetwork2 ])))

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