It is not over till moti sings

To clarify the title one need to translate ‘moti’ (my personal name) from hindi.
There are few translations for it – but a specific one comply with the header’s meaning.

After writing the scripts to modify the host’s network configuration, there is a need to persist these changes. Otherwise on the next VDSM agent restart, all of the changes will be reverted, potentially causing the host to become ‘Non-operational’ (limited functionality) or worse ‘Non-responsive’ (lost connectivity).

How to save the network configutation changes ?
Using the webadmin portal, by selecting the ‘Save network configuration’ checkbox on the ‘Setup Networks’ dialog.
If the setup networks ends successfully, the client will issue another command straightaway to persist the network configuration.
A user may decide to use the specific button ‘Save Network Configuration’ on the host’s network interfaces sub-tab.

Since the persistence action is exposed via the rest, another option is using ovirt-engine python SDK for that purpose:

api.hosts.get(name = 'venus-vdsb').commitnetconfig(params.Action())

Or using the Java-SDK:

api.getHosts().get("your-host-name").commitnetconfig(new Action());

Once action completed, an event will be added to the event log:
Network changes were saved on host ‘host-name’.

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